Documents for Business

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Designs and how to protect them

Designs and how to protect themThere are four different types of design rights that you need to be aware of. This checklist will guide you in the right direction and offer protection if you're looking beyond the UK. ... Read more

IP, employees and third parties

IP, employees and third partiesYou need to be clear who owns the IP rights - you or your employees. Use this checklist to ensure there are no costly and protracted disputes over ownership. ... Read more

What can be copyrighted

What can be copyrighted? Copyright applies to written and musical works etc. But make sure that whatever you have in mind for copyright protection is an original.  ... Read more

How to protect your company name

How do we protect our company name?To ensure maximum protection for your company's name, you need to take a proactive approach - include it on all business correspondence and check the register at Companies House from time to time. ... Read more

How to protect a trade mark

How to protect a trade markThere are various hoops you have to pass through to ensure your trade mark (TM) is properly protected. Use this checklist to avoid any problems.  ... Read more

Database rights and protection

Database rights and protectionWhen you create a new database a protective right arises automatically. Keep careful records of when the database is made; protection lasts for 15 years.  ... Read more

What can be trade marked

What can be trade marked? Make sure you know what protection is available before you embark on what might be an expensive and time consuming exercise. ... Read more

What are intellectual property rights

What are intellectual property rights?Intellectual property (IP) can allow you to own things you create in a similar way to owning physical property. You can control the use of your IP, and use it to gain reward. This encourages further innovation an... Read more

How to protect copyright

How do we protect our copyright? This checklist will help ensure you follow all the steps necessary to protect your copyright, e.g. not disclosing your idea to a third party without them first having signed a copyright agreement.  ... Read more

What a patent is and how it is protected

What is a patent and how is it protected? Patents exist to protect things you've designed or made. Using this checklist will help ensure that all your hard work doesn't end up in someone else's hands. ... Read more
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